Have You Gone Multi-Cloud Yet? 4 Reasons Why You Should

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July 23, 2024

The graph of multi-cloud adoption has been witnessing an upward curve. In one of its blog insights, Accenture considered multi-cloud as one of the top cloud trends for 2021 and believes that more organizations will develop entirely cloud-native apps with little to no architectural dependence on a specific cloud provider. A Gartner survey of public cloud users found that 81% of respondents used two or more providers. And, why not? Progressive organizations are compelled to use multi-cloud strategies to distribute workloads across different cloud environments better and mitigate risks involved in individual cloud environments. As multi-cloud certainly offers many advantages to the users, this blog will decipher the benefits that it intends to provide.

Benefits of going multi-cloud

#1 Business Agility For Competitive Advantage

Agility always occupies the top spot whenever we consider business benefits. It can effectively revamp internal processes, gears businesses up to opt for a systematized approach, and enhance customer experiences. It provides infrastructural flexibility with the ability to deploy the right workloads in the right place. A multi-cloud strategy improves transparency, agility, and reliability. Enterprises have almost entirely embraced multi-cloud; 92% of respondents reported having a multi-cloud strategy, mentioned Flexera. Businesses get more choices. As a result, they do not have to confine the workload to fit the tools available in the single-deployment model.

#2 Freedom Of Choice To Avoid Vendor Lock-In

No business wants to feel constrained with limited tools, resources, or choices. With multi-cloud, they get freedom in distributing the workload among multiple cloud providers. They do not have to rely on a single cloud provider or bind to their locked-in terms anymore. Using different platforms enables businesses to utilize multi-year discounts from multiple providers. As every cloud provider has expertise in certain areas, they benefit from diverse capabilities with multi-cloud infrastructure.

#3 Enhanced Performance With Higher ROI And Lower Risks

Multi-cloud enables businesses to build low-latency and high-speed infrastructure for quick response times and better UX. They can rapidly meet their growing demands as they don’t have to rely on any single cloud provider, which further helps overcome dependency-related challenges. A multi-cloud strategy helps in protecting critical data and offers recovery capabilities against power outages and hardware failures. Businesses can take advantage of all the clouds' features and better decide which cloud is the best fit for the evolving IT needs. They can use diverse offerings and computing functions to get ROI on their investments.

#4 Drives Innovation And Minimize Latency Among The Businesses

Multi-cloud gears the businesses up to move forward on innovation by allowing them to use solutions from different providers. Single cloud limits the technology usage and confines the scope of innovation. The multi-cloud strategy brings the data centers closer to its users and empowers businesses to minimize server hops. It reduces downtime risks and tackles the delays that corporates deal with due to distant locations.

Multi-cloud has become a critical infrastructure strategy for digital transformation.

To sum up, modern businesses adopt multiple computing environments to effectively store, and manage their data. They can choose cost-optimized services, reduce vendor-lock in conditions, and leverage geographically dispersed clouds to enhance UX.A multi-cloud strategy helps in selecting the best-in-class cloud services to meet the workload requirements. All you need is a business partner like Zymr who can help you embrace and manage the multi-cloud environment.

Devise A Multi-Cloud Strategy With Us To Spur Your Business Growth

Zymr is your one-stop destination to jumpstart your transformation journey with our Well-Architected, AWS, Azure, and GCP services. We can jumpstart your multi-cloud initiatives to yield agility, flexibility, and scalability benefits for your business. Our Agile cloud teams are committed to exceeding your expectations by providing 360-degree support and on-demand delivery.


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Harsh Raval

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