3 Reasons Cloud Computing Services Are So Popular In The Supply Chain Right Now

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July 22, 2024
Cloud Technology

“IT leaders always look towards cutting-edge IT solutions to future-proof their organizations against rapid disruption in the technological world. The term cloud has evolved in the last few years, like anything. Cloud computing solutions are gaining huge traction in the supply chain function.”The supply chain has gotten a significant setback during the COVID-19 crises. While the pandemic acted as a catalyst that focused on cloud adoption, it also emphasized the necessity of Agile global supply chain networks. Supplier networks who were initially skeptical about the cloud are now considering it as a major transformative step.New cloud waves are compelling the organizations to embrace hybrid SCM environments with a significant focus on migrating to the cloud and on-premises applications. SaaS solutions can revolutionize supply chain management by turning it into an automation-driven demand-supply network with superior transparency and collaboration across trading partners. This blog will explore how cloud capabilities can transform the supply chain. Without further ado, let’s deep dive right in.

#1. Cloud Computing in Supply Chain - To Effectively Manage the Supply Chain Data

Organizations aspiring for next-level growth cannot afford to bog down under legacy systems and IT solutions. Not on IT, the focus has to be towards innovation mindset and business goals to take the business to the next level. Cloud computing services have become the need of an hour as enterprises need to share data with the entire trade network. To achieve the same, they require solutions that allow real-time tracking of shipments and orders. Cloud technology can facilitate supply chain managers in forecasting, planning, logistics, sourcing, procurement, and spare part management.

#2. Cloud Computing in Supply Chain - To Experience Flexibility, Agility, and Transparency

Cloud technology makes sense in supply chain operations for its capabilities to automate tasks, monitor delivery networks, and prioritize slow-moving shipments. Supply chain professionals are connected to make robust decisions and effectively communicate with the team to rerouting a misdirected shipment. Effective collaboration leads to transparency and agility while devising a strategic approach for inventory deployment. Cloud-based supply management can save time and cost in tracking the products in transit by seamlessly locating the shipments in transit.

#3. Cloud Computing in Supply Chain - To Streamline Collaboration, Coordination, and Communication

In the current day and age, the supply chain's primary focus is on the collaboration of resources. SaaS models in the cloud can do wonders when collaboration is needed. Cloud can optimize the supply chain network providing relevant solutions on the infrastructure, platform, and software. The supply chain includes a bundle of resources used in a product or service and is served from a producer to a customer. Cloud is needed to manage the coordination and communication among the part and parcel activities of the supply channel. Growing Traction of Cloud Native in Supply Chain

  • Cloud native architecture can minimize the time between ideation and execution to help supply chain professionals cope with the dynamic consumer behavior focus.
  • With unrestrained scalability, cloud native apps can manage the robust changes in consumption patterns, i.e., purchase online, in store pickups, or curbside pickup.
  • Supply chain professionals can foster an innovative environment in the organization with cloud native’s flexibility and agility.
  • As automation and robotics have become a part of the supply chains, cloud native approaches ensure the networks' continuity and security.
  • The involvement of IoT in the supply chain calls for cloud native to manage such a massive amount of data and distributed edge networks where the data is created effectively.

Final Words - Cloud computing has empowered organizations to track a product throughout its lifecycle effectively.The supply chain needs the cloud more than ever. Cloud has got the power and potential to take the supply chain operations to the next level. Organizations focus on making the supply chains more agile and resilient to survive the fast-paced competitive environment. Cloud technology has become quintessential as customers and suppliers have become demanding like never before as they require real-time information and the right products at the right time at the correct location.


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Harsh Raval

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